Wood Products Unlimited

As innovators in furniture manufacturing, Wood Products Unlimited has global ambitions. Specializing in furniture design and development, they’ve found success in niche market products such as wall beds, closet organizers, custom millwork, and kitchens and vanities for both residential and commercial use.

Millennials and Gen Z consumers are budget-conscious, online savvy, and eco-minded. This demographic prefers living in smaller living spaces as they are more affordable and sustainable. Supply Chain disruptions, delays in furniture from offshore manufacturing, and exchange rates create favourable export market conditions for Canadian furniture producers.


Wood Products Unlimited will use the CDAP Grow Your Business Online microgrant and eCommerce Advisory services to build a direct-to-consumer website and harness social media and digital marketing to generate brand awareness and boost sales in North America. By using data and analytics they will evaluate the efficacy of their approach.

Expected Results

Wood Products Unlimited expects to build awareness for its brand and increase its market share though digital adoption and transformation